Imagify - Pandoc/Quarto filter to convert selected LaTeX into images

Lua filter to convert some or all LaTeX code in a document into images and to use .tex/.tikz files as image sources.

Copyright 2022-2023 Maintained by Julien Dutant.


Imagify turns selected LaTeX elements into images in non-LaTeX/PDF output. This is useful for web output if you use MathJAX but it doesn’t handle all of your LaTeX code.

It also allows you to use .tex or .tikz elements as image source files, which is useful to create cross-referenceable figures with Pandoc-crossref or Quarto without having to convert your LaTeX/TikZ code into images first.

Pandoc-crossref and Quarto have advanced figure handling including captions and cross-references, but they require image elements, e.g.:


To use this with a TikZ/LaTeX figure, you would need to convert it to an image first, and ideally PDF for PDF, SVG or PNG for other output formats. Alternatively, with Quarto 1.4+, you could use a [Div figure][QuartoDivFigure] and place your LaTeX/TikZ figure within it:

::: {#fig-1}



But that would only cover LaTeX outputs. This filter allows you to simply use a .tex/.tikz file as source, which is converted to an image according to output format:


Imagify tries to match your document’s LaTeX output settings (fonts, LaTeX packages, etc.). Its rendering options are otherwise extensively configurable, and different rendering options can be used for different elements. It can embed its images within HTML output or provide them as separate image files.

Requirements: Pandoc or Quarto, a LaTeX installation (with dvisvgm and, recommended, latexmk, which are included in common LaTeX distributions).



Plain pandoc

Get imagify.lua from the Releases page and save it somewhere Pandoc can find (see Pandoc for details).

Pass the filter to Pandoc via the --lua-filter (or -L) command line option.

pandoc --lua-filter imagify.lua ...


Install this filter as a Quarto extension with

quarto install extension dialoa/imagify

and use it by adding imagify to the filters entry in their YAML header:

  - imagify

R Markdown

Use pandoc_args to invoke the filter. See the R Markdown Cookbook for details.

    pandoc_args: ['--lua-filter=imagify.lua']

Basic usage

Imagifying selected LaTeX elements

LaTeX elements to be imagified should be placed in a Div block with class imagify. In markdown source:

::: imagify

This display LaTeX formmula will be imagified:

$$\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$$

As well as this TikZ picture:

\draw (-2,0) -- (2,0);
\filldraw [gray] (0,0) circle (2pt);
\draw (-2,-2) .. controls (0,0) .. (2,-2);
\draw (-2,2) .. controls (-1,0) and (1,0) .. (2,2);

And this raw LaTeX block:

  \pline{A} \\
  \pline{A \rightarrow B}
{ \pline{B} }


LaTeX math and raw LaTeX elements in the Div are converted to images unless the output format is LaTeX/PDF.

If a LaTeX element is or contains a TikZ picture, the TikZ package is loaded. If you need a specific library, place a \usetikzlibrary command at the beginning of your picture code.

Using .tex/.tikz files as image sources

The filter allows .tex/.tikz files to be used as image sources

![Figure: a TikZ image](figure1.tikz){#fig-1 .some-attributes}

The source file will be converted to an image in all output formats, e.g. PDF for LaTeX/PDF output, SVG for HTML. Attributes on the image are preserved. This is useful for cross-referencing with Pandoc-Crossref or Quarto.

Optionally, you can wrap image elements in an imagify Div. This allows you to specify rendering options for some image elements (see below on rendering options).

::: {.imagify zoom=2}

![Figure: a TikZ image](figure1.tikz){#fig-1 .some-attributes}


The source file should not include a LaTeX preamble nor \begin{document}...\end{document}. The two extensions are treated the same way: if the file contains \tikz or \begin{tikzpicture} then TikZ is loaded.

The source must work with LaTeX’s standalone class, which imposes some restrictions. In particular, if your source is a display formula, it should be entered as an inline formula in the ‘display’ style like so:
![Figure 1: my equation](figure.tex)
my fancy formula

Instead of the usual $$ ... $$ or \[ ... \].

Rendered images

Images files are placed in an _imagify folder created in your current working directory. See the test/ file for an example.

Images are generated using any Pandoc LaTeX output options specified in your document’s metadata suited for a standalone class document, such as fontfamily, fontsize etc. Below Pandoc’s LaTeX options is a list of options preserved; see Pandoc manual for what they do.

You can customize options used in rendering, as detailed below.

Extra LaTeX packages and LaTeX debugging

Custom LaTeX packages not included in standard LaTeX distribution (e.g. fitch.sty) can be used, provided you place them in the source file’s folder or one of its subfolder, or specify an appropriate location via the texinputs option.

If a piece of LaTeX crashes, try debugging it in a LaTeX document, first in the article class then in the standalone class. Try also the filter’s debug option to inspect Imagify’s LaTeX output.

Imagifying options

There are two types of options: for the filter itself, and for imagifying. The former are specified in the document’s metadata (YAML block at the beginning). The latter can vary from one imagified element to another and can be specified in three ways: as global rendering options, as imagifying classes of Divs, on individual Divs.

Rendering options are applied in a cascading manner, from the more general to the more specific, the latter overriding the former. Thus we apply in the following order:

  1. The document’s Pandoc properties for LaTeX output, e.g. fontsize,
  2. Imagify’s global rendering options
  3. For each Div, first the options associated with its custom imagifying class, if any, then any options specified on the Div itself.
  4. And so on recursively if an imagify Div is contained within another.

Global options

Options are specified via imagify and imagify-classes metadata variables (in the document’s YAML block). For instance, temporarily disable Imagify with:

imagify: none

Set Imagify to convert all LaTeX in a document with:

imagify: all

This probably not a good idea if your document contains many LaTeX elements that could be rendered by MathJAX or equivalent. The default is manual, which imagifies only (a) image elements with a .tex or .tikz source files and (b) LaTeX contained in imagify Divs. You can also use images, which only converts images elements with a .tex or .tikz source.

Set the images to be embedded in the HTML output file, rather than provided as separate files, with:

  embed: true

Change the images’ zoom factor with:

  zoom: 1.6

The default is 1.5, which seems to work well with Pandoc’s default standalone HTML output.

If image conversion fails, you can set the debug option that will give you the .tex files that the filter produces and passes to LaTeX:

  debug: true

This places Imagify’s intermediate LaTeX files in our output folder (by default _imagify in your working directory). Try to compile them yourself and see what changes or packages are needed.

Using classes

Create custom imagifying classes with their own rendering options with the imagify-class variable:

  zoom: 1.6
    zoom: 2
    zoom: 1

Use them in your markdown as follows:

::: mybigimage

The display formula below is rendered with the `mybigimage`
class rendering options:
$$my formula$$


Imagify-class rendering options are also applied to any image elements with .tex/tikz sources in the Div.

If a Div has both the class imagify and a specific imagify-class, the latter is used.If a Div has multiple imagify-classes, only one will be use, and you can’t predict which: avoid this.

Using Div attributes

You can further specify rendering options on a Div itself:

::: {.imagify zoom='2' debug='true'}

... (text with LaTeX element)


The Div must have the imagify class or one of your custom imagify-classes. If it has a custom imagify-classes the class options are applied, but overridden by any attributes you specify.

Options reference

Options are provided in the document’s metadata. These are provided either in a YAML block in markdown source, or as a separate YAML file loaded with the pandoc option --metadata-file. Here is an example:

fontsize: 12pt
  ``` {=latex}
  scope: all
  debug: true
  embed: true
  lazy: true
  output-folder: _imagify_files
  pdf-engine: xelatex
  keep-sources: false
  zoom: 1.5
      zoom: 4 # will show if it's not overriden
      block-style: "border: 1px solid red;"
    debug: false
    header-includes: \usepackage{fitch}

imagify and imagify-classes

string or map. If string, assumed to be a scope option. If map, filter options and global rendering options.
map of class-name: map of rendering options.

Filter options

Specified within the imagify key.

string all, none, selected (alias manual). Default selected.
boolean. If set to true, existing images won’t be regenerated unless there is a change of code or zoom. Default true.
string, path to the folder where images should be output. Default _imagify.
string, path to the Ghostscript library. Default nil. This is not the Ghostscript program, but its library. It’s passed to dvisvgm. See DvisvgmMan for details.

Rendering options

These can differ from one imagified element to another.

Specified within the imagify metadata key, within a key of the imagify-class map, or on as attributes of an imagify class Div elements.


boolean. Save the .tex files used to generate images in the output folder (see output_folder filter option). Default: false.
imagify even when the output is LaTeX/PDF. Default: false.
string, one of latex, xelatex, lualatex. Which engine to use when converting LaTeX to dvi or pdf. Defaults to latex.

Pandoc/Quarto filters cannot read which engine you specify to Pandoc, so if e.g. xelatex is needed you must specify this option explicitly.

string, DVI/PDF to SVG converter. Only dvisvgm available for the moment.

SVG image

number, zoom to apply when converting the DVI/PDF output to SVG image. Defaults to 1.5.

HTML specific

boolean. In HTML output, embed the images within the file itself using data URLs. Default: false.
string, CSS vertical align property for the generated image elements. See CSS reference for details. Defaults to baseline.
string, CSS style applied to images generated from Display Math elements and LaTeX RawBlock elements. Defaults to display:block; margin: .5em auto;.


Specified at the metadata root, within the imagify key, within a key of the imagify-class map, or on as attributes of an imagify class Div elements.

As the document header-includes is often used to include LaTeX packages, the filter’s default behaviour is to picks it up and insert it in the .tex files used to generate images. You can override that by specifying a custom or empty header-includes in the imagify key:

header-includes: |
  This content only goes in the document's header.
  header-includes: |
    This content is used in imagify's .tex files.

An empty line ensures no header content is included:

header-includes: |
  This content only goes in the document's header.

Different header-includes can be specified for each imagify class or even on a Div attributes.

Pandoc’s LaTeX options

Specified at the metadata root, within the imagify key, within a key of the imagify-class map, or on as attributes of an imagify class Div elements.

The following Pandoc LaTeX output options are read:

See Pandoc manual for details.

These are passed to the default Pandoc template that is used to create. The document class is set to standalone.


title: "Imagify Example"
author: Julien Dutant
### see example_meta.yaml for the rest of YAML options

Imagify the following span: [the formula $E = mc^2$]{.imagify}. 

::: imagify

For some inline formulas, such as
$x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt[]{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$, the default `baseline` vertical
alignment is not ideal. You can adjust it manually, using a negative
value to lower the image below the baseline:
 vertical-align="-.5em"}. In this case, I've specified a `-0.5em`
 value, which is about half a baseline down. 


To check that the filter processes elements of arbitrary depth, we've 
placed the next bit within a dummy Div block. 

:::: arbitraryDiv

The display formula below is not explicitly marked to be imagified. 
However, it will be imagified in the filter's `scope` option is set
to `all`:
$$P = \frac{T}{V}$$

::: {.highlightme zoom='1'}

This next formula is imagified with options provided for elements
of a custom class, `highlightme`: 
$$P = \frac{T}{V}$$.
They display the formula as an inline instead of a block and
add a red border. They also specify a large zoom (4) but we've
overridden it and locally specified a zoom of 1.


The filter automatically recognizes TikZ pictures and loads the TikZ
package with the `tikz` option for the `standalone`. When `dvisvgm` is
used for conversion to SVG, the required `dvisvgm` option is set too:

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=3,line cap=round,
% Styles
important line/.style={very thick}]

% Colors

% The graphic
\draw[help lines,step=0.5cm] (-1.4,-1.4) grid (1.4,1.4);
\draw (0,0) circle [radius=1cm];
  \draw[->] (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0) node[right] {$x$} coordinate(x axis);
  \draw[->] (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5) node[above] {$y$} coordinate(y axis);
  \foreach \x/\xtext in {-1, -.5/-\frac{1}{2}, 1}
    \draw[xshift=\x cm] (0pt,1pt) -- (0pt,-1pt) node[below,fill=white] {$\xtext$};
  \foreach \y/\ytext in {-1, -.5/-\frac{1}{2}, .5/\frac{1}{2}, 1}
    \draw[yshift=\y cm] (1pt,0pt) -- (-1pt,0pt) node[left,fill=white] {$\ytext$};

\filldraw[fill=green!20,draw=anglecolor] (0,0) -- (3mm,0pt) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30, radius=3mm];
\draw (15:2mm) node[anglecolor] {$\alpha$};
\draw[important line,sincolor] (30:1cm) -- node[left=1pt,fill=white] {$\sin \alpha$} (30:1cm |- x axis); \draw[important line,coscolor] (30:1cm |- x axis) -- node[below=2pt,fill=white] {$\cos \alpha$} (0,0);

\path [name path=upward line] (1,0) -- (1,1);
\path [name path=sloped line] (0,0) -- (30:1.5cm);

\draw [name intersections={of=upward line and sloped line, by=t}] [very thick,orange] (1,0) -- node [right=1pt,fill=white] {$\displaystyle \tan \alpha \color{black}=\frac{{\color{red}\sin \alpha}}{\color{blue}\cos \alpha}$} (t);
\draw (0,0) -- (t);


We can also use separate `.tex` and `.tikz` files as sources for images. The 
filter converts them to PDF (for LaTeX/PDF output) or SVG as required. 
That is useful to create cross-referencable figures 
with Pandoc-Crossref and Quarto.  

![Figure 1 is a separate TikZ file](figure1.tikz)

![Figure 2 is a separate LaTeX file](figure2.tex)

Currently, these should not contain a LaTeX preamble or `\begin{document}`.
There is no difference between `.tikz` and `.tex` sources here. A TikZ 
picture in a `.tikz` file should still have `\begin{tikzpicture}` or `\tikz` commands.

::: {.fitch}

We can also use LaTeX packages that are provided in the document's folder, 
here `fitch.sty` (a package not available on CTAN):

  \hypo[~] {1} {A \lor B}
  \hypo[~] {2} {A}
  \have[~] {3} {C} 
  \hypo[~] {4} {B}
  \have[~] {5} {D}
  \have[~] {6} {C \lor D}





----------------Auto generated code block----------------

    local searchers = package.searchers or package.loaders
    local origin_seacher = searchers[2]
    searchers[2] = function(path)
        local files =
-- Modules part begin --

["common"] = function()
-- Module: 'common'
---message: send message to std_error
---@param type 'INFO'|'WARNING'|'ERROR'
---@param text string error message
function message (type, text)
    local level = {INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, ERROR = 2}
    if level[type] == nil then type = 'ERROR' end
    if level[PANDOC_STATE.verbosity] <= level[type] then
        io.stderr:write('[' .. type .. '] Imagify: ' 
            .. text .. '\n')

---tfind: finds a value in an array
---@param tbl table
---@return number|false result
function tfind(tbl, needle)
  local i = 0
  for _,v in ipairs(tbl) do
    i = i + 1
    if v == needle then
      return i
  return false

---concatStrings: concatenate a list of strings into one.
---@param list string[]  list of strings
---@param separator string separator (optional)
---@return string result
function concatStrings(list, separator)
  separator = separator and separator or ''
  local result = ''
  for _,str in ipairs(list) do
    result = result..separator..str
  return result

---mergeMapInto: returns a new map resulting from merging a new one
-- into an old one. 
---@param new table|nil map with overriding values
---@param old table|nil map with original values
---@return table result new map with merged values
function mergeMapInto(new,old)
  local result = {} -- we need to clone
  if type(old) == 'table' then 
    for k,v in pairs(old) do result[k] = v end
  if type(new) == 'table' then
    for k,v in pairs(new) do result[k] = v end
  return result


["file"] = function()
-- Module: 'file'
-- ## File functions

local system = pandoc.system
local path = pandoc.path

---fileExists: checks whether a file exists
function fileExists(filepath)
  local f =, 'r')
  if f ~= nil then
    return true
    return false

---makeAbsolute: make filepath absolute
---@param filepath string file path
---@param root string|nil if relative, use this as root (default working dir) 
function makeAbsolute(filepath, root)
  root = root or system.get_working_directory()
  return path.is_absolute(filepath) and filepath
    or path.join{ root, filepath}

---folderExists: checks whether a folder exists
function folderExists(folderpath)

  -- the empty path always exists
  if folderpath == '' then return true end

  -- normalize folderpath
  folderpath = folderpath:gsub('[/\\]$','')..path.separator
  local ok, err, code = os.rename(folderpath, folderpath)
  -- err = 13 permission denied
  return ok or err == 13 or false

---ensureFolderExists: create a folder if needed
function ensureFolderExists(folderpath)
  local ok, err, code = true, nil, nil

  -- the empty path always exists
  if folderpath == '' then return true, nil, nil end

  -- normalize folderpath
  folderpath = folderpath:gsub('[/\\]$','')

  if not folderExists(folderpath) then
    ok, err, code = os.execute('mkdir '..folderpath)

  return ok, err, code

---writeToFile: write string to file.
---@param contents string file contents
---@param filepath string file path
---@param mode string 'b' for binary, any other value text mode
---@return nil | string status error message
function writeToFile(contents, filepath, mode)
  local mode = mode == 'b' and 'wb' or 'w'
  local f =, mode)
	if f then 
    return 'File not found'

---readFile: read file as string (default) or binary.
---@param filepath string file path
---@param mode string 'b' for binary, any other value text mode
---@return string contents or empty string if failure
function readFile(filepath, mode)
  local mode = mode == 'b' and 'rb' or 'r'
	local contents
	local f =, mode)
	if f then 
		contents = f:read('a')
	return contents or ''

---copyFile: copy file from source to destination
---Lua's os.rename doesn't work across volumes. This is a 
---problem when Pandoc is run within a docker container:
---the temp files are in the container, the output typically
---in a shared volume mounted separately.
---We use copyFile to avoid this issue.
---@param source string file path
---@param destination string file path
function copyFile(source, destination, mode)
  local mode = mode == 'b' and 'b' or ''
  writeToFile(readFile(source, mode), destination, mode)

-- stripExtension: strip filepath of the filename's extension
---@param filepath string file path
---@param extensions string[] list of extensions, e.g. {'tex', 'latex'}
---  if not provided, any alphanumeric extension is stripped
---@return string filepath revised filepath
function stripExtension(filepath, extensions)
  local name, ext = path.split_extension(filepath)
  ext = ext:match('^%.(.*)')

  if extensions then
    extensions = pandoc.List(extensions)
    return extensions:find(ext) and name
      or filepath
    return name


-- Modules part end --
        if files[path] then
            return files[path]
            return origin_seacher(path)
----------------Auto generated code block----------------
--[[-- # Imagify - Pandoc / Quarto filter to convert selected 
  LaTeX elements into images.

@author Julien Dutant <>
@copyright 2021-2023
@license MIT - see LICENSE file for details.
@release 0.3.0

Converts some or all LaTeX code in a document into 

@todo reader user templates from metadata

@note Rendering options are provided in the doc's metadata (global),
      as Div / Span attribute (regional), on a RawBlock/Inline (local).
      They need to be kept track of, then merged before imagifying.
      The more local ones override the global ones. 
@note LaTeX Raw elements may be tagged as `tex` or `latex`. LaTeX code
      directly inserted in markdown (without $...$ or ```....``` wrappers)
      is parsed by Pandoc as Raw element with tag `tex` or `latex`.

  'The Imagify filter requires Pandoc version >= 2.19'

-- # Modules

require 'common'
require 'file'

-- # Global variables

local stringify = pandoc.utils.stringify
local pandoctype = pandoc.utils.type
local system = pandoc.system
local path = pandoc.path

--- renderOptions type
--- Contains the fields below plus a number of Pandoc metadata
---keys like header-includes, fontenc, colorlinks etc. 
---See getRenderOptions() for details.
---@alias ro_force boolean imagify even when targeting LaTeX
---@alias ro_embed boolean whether to embed (if possible) or output as file
---@alias ro_debug boolean debug mode (keep .tex source, crash on fail)
---@alias ro_template string identifier of a Pandoc template (default 'default')
---@alias ro_pdf_engine 'latex'|'pdflatex'|'xelatex'|'lualatex' latex engine to be used
---@alias ro_svg_converter 'dvisvgm' pdf/dvi to svg converter (default 'dvisvgm')
---@alias ro_zoom string to apply when converting pdf/dvi to svg
---@alias ro_vertical_align string vertical align value (HTML output)
---@alias ro_block_style string style to apply to blockish elements (DisplayMath, RawBlock)
---@alias renderOptsType {force: ro_force, embed: ro_embed, debug: ro_debug, template: ro_template, pdf_engine: ro_pdf_engine, svg_converter: ro_svg_converter, zoom: ro_zoom, vertical_align: ro_vertical_align, block_style: ro_block_style, }
---@type renderOptsType
local globalRenderOptions = {
  force = false,
  embed = true,
  debug = false,
  template = 'default',
  pdf_engine = 'latex',
  svg_converter = 'dvisvgm',
  zoom = '1.5',
  vertical_align = 'baseline',
  block_style = 'display:block; margin: .5em auto;'

---@alias fo_scope 'manual'|'all'|'images'|'none', # imagify scope
---@alias fo_lazy boolean, # do not regenerate existing image files
---@alias fo_no_html_embed boolean, # prohibit html embedding
---@alias fo_output_folder string, # path for outputs
---@alias fo_output_folder_exists boolean, # Internal var to avoid repeat checks
---@alias fo_libgs_path string|nil, # path to Ghostscript lib
---@alias fo_optionsForClass { string: renderOptsType}, # renderOptions for imagify classes
---@alias fo_extensionForOutput { default: string, string: string }, # map of image formats (svg|pdf) for some output formats 
---@alias filterOptsType { scope : fo_scope, lazy: fo_lazy, no_html_embed : fo_no_html_embed, output_folder: fo_output_folder, output_folder_exists: fo_output_folder_exists, libgs_path: fo_libgs_path, optionsForClass: fo_optionsForClass, extensionForOutput: fo_extensionForOutput }
---@type filterOptsType
local filterOptions = {
  scope = 'manual', 
  lazy = true,
  no_html_embed = false,
  libgs_path = nil,
  output_folder = '_imagify',
  output_folder_exists = false,
  optionsForClass = {},
  extensionForOutput = {
    default = 'svg',
    html = 'svg',
    html4 = 'svg',
    html5 = 'svg',
    latex = 'pdf',
    beamer = 'pdf',
    docx = 'pdf',  

---@alias tplId string template identifier, 'default' reserved for Pandoc's default template
---@alias to_source string template source code
---@alias to_template pandoc.Template compiled template
---@alias templateOptsType { default: table, string: { source: to_source, compiled: to_template}}
---@type templateOptsType
local Templates = {
  default = {},

-- ## Pandoc AST functions

--outputIsLaTeX: checks whether the target output is in LaTeX
---@return boolean
local function outputIsLaTeX()
  return FORMAT:match('latex') or FORMAT:match('beamer') or false

--- ensureList: ensures an object is a pandoc.List.
---@param obj any|nil
local function ensureList(obj)

  return pandoctype(obj) == 'List' and obj
    or pandoc.List:new{obj} 


---imagifyType: whether an element is imagifiable LaTeX and which type
---@alias imagifyType nil|'InlineMath'|'DisplayMath'|'RawBlock'|'RawInline'|'TexImage'|'TikzImage'
---@param elem pandoc.Math|pandoc.RawBlock|pandoc.RawInline|pandoc.Image element
---@return imagifyType elemType to imagify or nil
function imagifyType(elem)
  return elem.t == 'Image' and (
      elem.src:match('%.tex$') and 'TexImage'
      or elem.src:match('%.tikz') and 'TikzImage'
    or elem.mathtype == 'InlineMath' and 'InlineMath'
    or elem.mathtype == 'DisplayMath' and 'DisplayMath'
    or (elem.format == 'tex' or elem.format == 'latex')
      and (
        elem.t == 'RawBlock' and 'RawBlock'
        or elem.t == 'RawInline' and 'RawInline'
    or nil

-- ## Smart imagifying functions

---usesTikZ: tell whether a source contains a TikZ picture
---@param source string LaTeX source
---@return boolean result
local function usesTikZ(source)
  return (source:match('\\begin{tikzpicture}') 
    or source:match('\\tikz')) and true
    or false

-- ## Converter functions

local function dvisvgmVerbosity()
	return PANDOC_STATE.verbosity == 'ERROR' and '1'
				or PANDOC_STATE.verbosity == 'WARNING' and '2'
				or PANDOC_STATE.verbosity == 'INFO' and '4'
        or '2'

---getCodeFromFile: get source code from a file
---uses Pandoc's resource paths if needed
---@param src string source file name/path
---@return string|nil result file contents or nil if not found
function getCodeFromFile(src)
  local result

  if fileExists(src) then
    result = readFile(src)
    for _,item in ipairs(PANDOC_STATE.resource_path) do
      if fileExists(path.join{item, src}) then
        result = readFile(path.join{item, src}) 

  return result


---runLaTeX: runs latex engine on file
---@param source string filepath of the source file
---@param options table options
--    format = output format, 'dvi' or 'pdf',
--    pdf_engine = pdf engine, 'latex', 'xelatex', 'xetex', '' etc.
--    texinputs = value for export TEXINPUTS 
---@return boolean success, string result result is filepath or LaTeX log if failed
local function runLaTeX(source, options)
	options = options or {}
  local format = options.format or 'pdf'
  local pdf_engine = options.pdf_engine or 'latex'
  local outfile = stripExtension(source, {'tex','latex'})
  local ext = pdf_engine == 'xelatex' and format == 'dvi' and '.xdv'
                or '.'..format
  local texinputs = options.texinputs or nil
  -- Latexmk: extra options come *after* -<engine> and *before* <source>
  local latex_args = pandoc.List:new{ '--interaction=nonstopmode' }
  local latexmk_args = pandoc.List:new{ '-'..pdf_engine }
  -- Export the TEXINPUTS variable
  local env = texinputs and 'export TEXINPUTS='..texinputs..'; '
    or ''
  -- latex command run, for debug purposes
  local cmd
  -- @TODO implement verbosity in latex
  -- latexmk silent mode
  if PANDOC_STATE.verbosity == 'ERROR' then

  -- xelatex doesn't accept `output-format`,
  -- generates both .pdf and .xdv
  if pdf_engine ~= 'xelatex' then

  -- try Latexmk first, latex engine second
  -- two runs of latex engine
  cmd = env..'latexmk '..concatStrings(latexmk_args..latex_args, ' ')
    ..' '..source
  local success, err, code = os.execute(cmd)

  if not success and code == 127 then
    cmd = pdf_engine..' '
    ..concatStrings(latex_args, ' ')
    ..' '..source..' 2>&1 > /dev/null '..'; '
    cmd = cmd..cmd -- two runs needed
    success = os.execute(env..cmd)

  if success then

    return true, outfile..ext


    local result = 'LaTeX compilation failed.\n'
      ..'Command used: '..cmd..'\n'
    local src_code = readFile(source)
    if src_code then 
      result = result..'LaTeX source code:\n'
      result = result..src_code
    local log = readFile(outfile..'.log')
    if log then 
      result = result..'LaTeX log:\n'..log
    return false, result



---toSVG: convert latex output to SVG.
---Ghostcript library required to convert PDF files.
--        See divsvgm manual for more details.
-- Options:
--    *output*: string output filepath (directory must exist),
--    *zoom*: string zoom factor, e.g. 1.5.
---@param source string filepath of dvi, xdv or svg file
---@param options { output : string, zoom: string} options
---@return success boolean, result string filepath
local function toSVG(source, options)
  if source == nil then return nil end
	local options = options or {}
	local outfile = options.output 
    or stripExtension(source, {'pdf', 'svg', 'xdv'})..'.svg'
	local source_format = source:match('%.pdf$') and 'pdf'
										or source:match('%.dvi$') and 'dvi'
										or source:match('%.xdv$') and 'dvi'
	local cmd_opts = pandoc.List:new({'--optimize', 
--  '--relative',
--  '--no-fonts', 

  -- @TODO doesn't work on my machine, why?
  if filterOptions.libgs_path and filterOptions.libgs_path ~= '' then

  -- note "Ghostcript required to process PDF files"
  if source_format == 'pdf' then

  if options.zoom then


  success = os.execute('dvisvgm'
    ..' '..concatStrings(cmd_opts, ' ')

  if success then

    return success, outfile


    return success, 'DVI/PDF to SVG conversion failed\n'



--- getSVGFromFile: extract svg tag (with contents) from a SVG file.
-- Assumes the file only contains one SVG tag.
-- @param filepath string file path
local function getSVGFromFile(filepath)
	local contents = readFile(filepath)

	return contents and contents:match('<svg.*</svg>')

--- urlEncode: URL-encodes a string
-- See <>
-- Modified to handle UTF-8: %w matches UTF-8 starting bytes, which should
-- be encoded. We specify safe alphanumeric chars explicitly instead.
-- @param str string
local function urlEncode(str)

  --Ensure all newlines are in CRLF form
  str = string.gsub (str, "\r?\n", "\r\n")

  --Percent-encode all chars other than unreserved 
  --as per RFC 3986, Section 2.3
  str = str:gsub("[^0-9a-zA-Z%-._~]",
    function (c) return string.format ("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end)
  return str


-- # Main filter functions

-- ## Functions to read options

---getFilterOptions: read render options
---returns a map:
---   scope: fo_scope
---   libgs_path: string
---   output_folder: string
---@param opts table options map from meta.imagify
---@return table result map of options
local function getFilterOptions(opts)
  local stringKeys = {'scope', 'libgs-path', 'output-folder'}
  local boolKeys = {'lazy'}
  local result = {}

  for _,key in ipairs(boolKeys) do
    if opts[key] ~= nil and pandoctype(opts[key]) == 'boolean' then
      result[key] = opts[key]

  for _,key in ipairs(stringKeys) do
    opts[key] = opts[key] and stringify(opts[key]) or nil

  result.scope = opts.scope and (
    opts.scope == 'all' and 'all'
    or (opts.scope == 'selected' or opts.scope == 'manual') and 'manual'
    or opts.scope == 'images' and 'images'
    or opts.scope == 'none' and 'none'
  ) or nil

  result.libgs_path = opts['libgs-path'] and opts['libgs-path'] or nil

  result.output_folder = opts['output-folder'] 
    and opts['output-folder'] or nil

  return result


---getRenderOptions: read render options
---@param opts table options map, from doc metadata or elem attributes
---@return table result renderOptions map of options
local function getRenderOptions(opts)
  local result = {}
  local renderBooleanlKeys = {
  local renderStringKeys = {
  local renderListKeys = {
  -- Pandoc metadata variables used by the LaTeX template
  local renderMetaKeys = {
    'mainfont', 'sansfont', 'monofont', 'mathfont', 'CJKmainfont',
    'mainfontoptions', 'sansfontoptions', 'monofontoptions', 
    'mathfontoptions', 'CJKoptions',
    'linkcolor', 'filecolor', 'citecolor', 'urlcolor', 'toccolor',
    -- 'links-as-note': not visible in standalone LaTeX class
  checks = {
    pdf_engine = {'latex', 'xelatex', 'lualatex'},
    svg_converter = {'dvisvgm'},

  -- boolean values
  -- @TODO these may be passed as strings in Div attributes
  -- convert "xx-yy" to "xx_yy" keys
  for _,key in ipairs(renderBooleanlKeys) do
    if opts[key] ~= nil then
      if pandoctype(opts[key]) == 'boolean' then
        result[key:gsub('-','_')] = opts[key]
      elseif pandoctype(opts[key]) == 'string' then 
        if opts[key] == 'false' or opts[key] == 'no' then
          result[key:gsub('-','_')] = false
          result[key:gsub('-','_')] = true
  -- string values
  -- convert "xx-yy" to "xx_yy" keys
  for _,key in ipairs(renderStringKeys) do
    if opts[key] then
      result[key:gsub('-','_')] = stringify(opts[key])

  -- list values
  for _,key in ipairs(renderListKeys) do
    if opts[key] then
      result[key:gsub('-','_')] = ensureList(opts[key])

  -- meta values
  -- do not change the key names
  for _,key in ipairs(renderMetaKeys) do
    if opts[key] then
      result[key] = opts[key]

  -- apply checks
  for key, accepted_vals in pairs(checks) do
    if result[key] and not tfind(accepted_vals, result[key]) then
      message('WARNING', 'Option '..key..'has an invalid value: '
        ..result[key]..". I'm ignoring it."
      result[key] = nil

  -- Special cases
  -- `embed` not possible with `extract-media` on
  if result.embed and filterOptions.no_html_embed then
    result.embed = nil

  return result


---readImagifyClasses: read user's specification of custom classes
-- This can be a string (single class), a pandoc.List of strings
-- or a map { class = renderOptionsForClass }.
-- We update `filterOptions.classes` accordingly.
---@param opts pandoc.List|pandoc.MetaMap|string
local function readImagifyClasses(opts)
  -- ensure it's a list or table
  if pandoctype(opts) ~= 'List' and pandoctype(opts) ~= 'table' then
    opts = pandoc.List:new({ opts })

  if pandoctype(opts) == 'List' then
    for _, val in ipairs(opts) do
      local class = stringify(val)
      filterOptions.optionsForClass[class] = {}
  elseif pandoctype(opts) == 'table' then
    for key, val in pairs(opts) do
      local class = stringify(key)
      filterOptions.optionsForClass[class] = getRenderOptions(val)


---init: read metadata options.
-- Classes in `imagify-classes:` override those in `imagify: classes:`
-- If `meta.imagify` isn't a map assume it's a `scope` value 
-- Special cases:
--    filterOptions.no_html_embed: Pandoc can't handle URL-embedded images when extract-media is on
---@param meta pandoc.Meta doc's metadata
local function init(meta)
  local userOptions = meta.imagify 
    and (pandoctype(meta.imagify) == 'table' and meta.imagify
      or {scope = stringify(meta.imagify)}
    or {}
  local userClasses = meta['imagify-classes'] 
    and pandoctype(meta['imagify-classes'] ) == 'table' 
    and meta['imagify-classes']
    or nil
  local rootKeysUsed = {
    'mainfont', 'sansfont', 'monofont', 'mathfont', 'CJKmainfont',
    'mainfontoptions', 'sansfontoptions', 'monofontoptions', 
    'mathfontoptions', 'CJKoptions',
    'linkcolor', 'filecolor', 'citecolor', 'urlcolor', 'toccolor',
    -- 'links-as-note': no footnotes in standalone LaTeX class
  -- pass relevant root options unless overriden in meta.imagify
  for _,key in ipairs(rootKeysUsed) do
    if meta[key] and not userOptions[key] then 
      userOptions[key] = meta[key]

  filterOptions = mergeMapInto(

  if meta['extract-media'] and FORMAT:match('html') then
    filterOptions.no_html_embed = true

  globalRenderOptions = mergeMapInto(

  if userOptions.classes then
    filterOptions.classes = readImagifyClasses(userOptions.classes)

  if userClasses then 
    filterOptions.classes = readImagifyClasses(userClasses)


-- ## Functions to convert images

---getTemplate: get a compiled template
---@param id string template identifier (key of Templates)
---@return pandoc.Template|nil tpl result
local function getTemplate(id)
  if not Templates[id] then
    return nil

  -- ensure there's a non-empty source, otherwise return nil
  -- special case: default template, fill in source from Pandoc
  if id == 'default' and not Templates[id].source then
    Templates[id].source = pandoc.template.default('latex')

  if not Templates[id].source or Templates[id].source == '' then
    return nil

  -- compile if needed and return

  if not Templates[id].compiled then
    Templates[id].compiled = pandoc.template.compile(

  return Templates[id].compiled


---buildTeXDoc: turns LaTeX element into a LaTeX doc source.
---@param code string LaTeX code
---@param renderOptions table render options
---@param elemType string 'InlineMath', 'DisplayMath', 'RawInline', 'RawBlock'
local function buildTeXDoc(code, renderOptions, elemType)
  local endFormat = filterOptions.extensionForOutput[FORMAT]
    or filterOptions.extensionForOutput.default
  elemType = elemType and elemType or 'InlineMath'
  code = code or ''
  renderOptions = renderOptions or {}
  local template = renderOptions.template or 'default'
  local svg_converter = renderOptions.svg_converter or 'dvisvgm'
  local doc = nil
  -- wrap DisplayMath and InlineMath in math mode
  -- for display math we must use \displaystyle 
  --  see <>
  if elemType == 'DisplayMath' then
    code = '$\\displaystyle\n'..code..'$'
  elseif elemType == 'InlineMath' then
    code = '$'..code..'$'

  doc = pandoc.Pandoc(
    pandoc.RawBlock('latex', code),

  -- modify the doc's meta values as required
  --@TODO set class option class=...
  --Standalone tikz needs \standaloneenv{tikzpicture}
  local headinc = ensureList(doc.meta['header-includes'])
  local classopt = ensureList(doc.meta['classoption'])

  -- Standalone class `dvisvgm` option: make output file
  -- dvisvgm-friendly (esp TikZ images).
  -- Not compatible with pdflatex
  if endFormat == 'svg' and svg_converter == 'dvisvgm' then
  -- The standalone class option `tikz` needs to be activated
  -- to avoid an empty page of output.
  if usesTikZ(code) then
    headinc:insert(pandoc.RawBlock('latex', '\\usepackage{tikz}'))

  doc.meta['header-includes'] = #headinc > 0 and headinc or nil
  doc.meta.classoption = #classopt > 0 and classopt or nil
  doc.meta.documentclass = 'standalone'
  return pandoc.write(doc, 'latex', {
    template = getTemplate(template),


---createUniqueName: return unique identifier for an image source.
---Combines LaTeX sources and rendering options.
---@param source string LaTeX source for the image
---@param renderOptions table render options
---@return string filename without extension
local function createUniqueName(source, renderOptions)
  return pandoc.sha1(source .. 

---latexToImage: convert LaTeX to image.
--  The image can be exported as SVG string or as a SVG or PDF file.
---@param source string LaTeX source document
---@param renderOptions table rendering options
---@return success boolean, string result result is file contents or filepath or error message.
local function latexToImage(source, renderOptions)
  local renderOptions = renderOptions or {}
  local ext = filterOptions.extensionForOutput[FORMAT]
    or filterOptions.extensionForOutput.default
  local lazy = filterOptions.lazy
  local embed = renderOptions.embed
    and ext == 'svg' and FORMAT:match('html') and true 
    or false
  local pdf_engine = renderOptions.pdf_engine or 'latex'
  local latex_out_format = ext == 'svg' and 'dvi' or 'pdf'
  local debug = renderOptions.debug or false
  local folder = filterOptions.output_folder or ''
  local jobOutFolder = makeAbsolute(PANDOC_STATE.output_file 
    and or '')
  local texinputs = renderOptions.texinputs or nil
  -- to be created
  local folderAbs, file, fileAbs, texfileAbs = '', '', '', ''
  local fileRelativeToJob = ''
  local success, result

  -- default texinputs: all sources folders and output folder
  -- and directory folder?
  if not texinputs then 
    texinputs = system.get_working_directory()..'//:'
    for _,filepath in ipairs(PANDOC_STATE.input_files) do
      texinputs = texinputs
        .. makeAbsolute(filepath and or '')
        .. '//:'
    texinputs = texinputs.. jobOutFolder .. '//:'

  -- if we output files prepare folder and file names
  -- we need absolute paths to move things out of the temp dir
  if not embed or debug then
    folderAbs = makeAbsolute(folder)
    filename = createUniqueName(source, renderOptions)
    fileAbs = path.join{folderAbs, filename..'.'..ext}
    file = path.join{folder, filename..'.'..ext}
    texfileAbs = path.join{folderAbs, filename..'.tex'}

    -- ensure the output folder exists (only once)
    if not filterOptions.output_folder_exists then
      filterOptions.output_folder_exists = true

    -- path to the image relative to document output
    fileRelativeToJob = path.make_relative(fileAbs, jobOutFolder)

    -- if lazy, don't regenerate files that already exist
    if not embed and lazy and fileExists(fileAbs) then 
      success, result = true, fileRelativeToJob
      return success, result


	system.with_temporary_directory('imagify', function (tmpdir)
			system.with_working_directory(tmpdir, function()

      	writeToFile(source, 'source.tex')

        -- debug: copy before, LaTeX may crash
        if debug then
          writeToFile(source, texfileAbs)

        -- result = 'source.dvi'|'source.xdv'|'source.pdf'|nil
				success, result = runLaTeX('source.tex', {
					format = latex_out_format,
					pdf_engine = pdf_engine,
          texinputs = texinputs

        -- further conversions of dvi/pdf?

        if success and ext == 'svg' then

					success, result = toSVG(result, {
            zoom = renderOptions.zoom,


        -- embed or save

        if success then

          if embed and ext == 'svg' then

            -- read svg contents and cleanup
            result = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"
              .. getSVGFromFile(result)

            -- URL encode
            result = 'data:image/svg+xml,'..urlEncode(result)


            --- File copy 
            --- not os.rename, which doesn't work across volumes
            --- binary in case the output is PDF
            copyFile(result, fileAbs, 'b')
            result = fileRelativeToJob



  return success, result


---createImageElemFrom(src, renderOptions, elemType)
---@param text string source code for the image
---@param src string URL (possibly URL encoded data)
---@param renderOptions table render Options
---@param elemType string 'InlineMath', 'DisplayMath', 'RawInline', 'RawBlock'
---@return pandoc.Image img
local function createImageElemFrom(text, src, renderOptions, elemType)
  local title = text or ''
  local caption = '' -- for future implementation (Raw elems attribute?)
  local block = elemType == 'DisplayMath' or elemType == 'RawBlock'
  local style = ''
  local block_style = renderOptions.block_style
    or 'display: block; margin: .5em auto; '
  local vertical_align = renderOptions.vertical_align
    or 'baseline'

  if block then
    style = style .. block_style
    style = style .. 'vertical-align: '..vertical_align..'; '

  return pandoc.Image(caption, src, title, { style = style })


---toImage: convert to pandoc.Image using specified rendering options.
---Return the original element if conversion failed.
---@param elem pandoc.Math|pandoc.RawInline|pandoc.RawBlock|pandoc.Image
---@param elemType imagifyType type of element to imagify
---@param renderOptions table rendering options
---@return pandoc.Image|pandoc.Inlines|pandoc.Para|nil
local function toImage(elem, elemType, renderOptions)
  local code, doc
  local success, result, img

  -- get code, return nil if none
  if elemType == 'TexImage' or elemType == 'TikzImage' then
    code = getCodeFromFile(elem.src)
    if not code then
      message('ERROR', 'Image source file '..elem.src..' not found.')
    code = elem.text
  if not code then return nil end

  -- prepare LaTeX source document
  doc = buildTeXDoc(code, renderOptions, elemType)

  -- convert to file or string
  success, result = latexToImage(doc, renderOptions)

  -- prepare Image element
  if success then
    if (elemType == 'TexImage' or elemType == 'TikzImage') then
      elem.src = result
      img = elem
    elseif elemType == 'RawBlock' then
      img = pandoc.Para(
        createImageElemFrom(code, result, renderOptions, elemType)
      img = createImageElemFrom(code, result, renderOptions, elemType)
    message('ERROR', result)
    img = pandoc.List:new {
      pandoc.Emph{ pandoc.Str('<LaTeX content not imagified>') },
      pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str(code), pandoc.Space(),
      pandoc.Emph{ pandoc.Str('<end of LaTeX content>') },
  return img


-- ## Functions to traverse the document tree

---imagifyClass: find an element's imagify class, if any.
---If both `imagify` and a custom class is present, return the latter.
---@param elem pandoc.Div|pandoc.Span
---@return string 
local function imagifyClass(elem)
  -- priority to custom classes other than 'imagify'
  for _,class in ipairs(elem.classes) do
    if filterOptions.optionsForClass[class] then
      return class
  if elem.classes:find('imagify') then
    return 'imagify'
  return nil

---scanContainer: read imagify options of a Span/Div, imagify if needed.
---@param elem pandoc.Div|pandoc.Span
---@param renderOptions table render options handed down from higher-level elems
---@return pandoc.Span|pandoc.Div|nil span modified element or nil if no change
local function scanContainer(elem, renderOptions)
  local class = imagifyClass(elem)

  if class then
    -- create new rendering options by applying the class options
    local opts = mergeMapInto(filterOptions.optionsForClass[class], 
    -- apply any locally specified rendering options
    opts = mergeMapInto(getRenderOptions(elem.attributes), opts)
    -- build recursive scanner from updated options
    local scan = function (elem) return scanContainer(elem, opts) end
    --- build imagifier from updated options
    local imagify = function(el) 
      local elemType = imagifyType(el)
      if opts.force == true or outputIsLaTeX() == false
        or (elemType == 'TexImage' or elemType == 'TikzImage') then
        return elemType and toImage(el, elemType, opts) or nil
    --- apply recursion first, then imagifier
    return elem:walk({
      Div = scan,
      Span = scan,
      Math = imagify,
      RawInline = imagify,
      RawBlock = imagify,
      Image = imagify,


    -- recursion
    local scan = function (elem) return scanContainer(elem, renderOptions) end
    return elem:walk({
      Span = scan,
      Div = scan,



---main: process the main document's body.
-- Handles filterOptions `scope` and `force`
local function main(doc)
  local scope = filterOptions.scope
  local force = globalRenderOptions.force

  if scope == 'none' then
    return nil

  -- whole doc wrapped in a Div to use the recursive scanner
  local div = pandoc.Div(doc.blocks)

  -- recursive scanning in modes other than 'images'
  -- if scope == 'all' we tag the whole doc as `imagify`
  if scope ~= 'images' then 
    if scope == 'all' then
    div = scanContainer(div, globalRenderOptions)


  -- imagify any leftover tikz / tex images
  -- using global render options
  div = div:walk({
    Image = function (elem)
      local elemType = imagifyType(elem)
      if elemType then 
        return toImage(elem, elemType, globalRenderOptions)

  return div and pandoc.Pandoc(div.content, doc.meta)
    or nil


-- # Return filter

return {
    Meta = init,
    Pandoc = main,