Filter to create labelled lists in Pandoc and Quarto.
This filter provides custom labelled lists in Pandoc’s markdown for outputs in LaTeX/PDF, HTML and JATS XML. Instead of bullets or numbers, list items are given custom text labels. The text labels can include markdown formatting.
View the filter source on GitHub.
Get labelled-lists.lua
from the Releases page and save
it somewhere Pandoc can find (see PandocMan for
Pass the filter to Pandoc via the --lua-filter
) command line option.
pandoc --lua-filter imagify.lua ...
Install this filter as a Quarto extension with
quarto install extension dialoa/labelled-lists
and use it by adding labelled-lists
to the
entry in their YAML header:
- labelled-lists
See Quarto’s Extensions guide for more details on updating and version-controlling filters.
Use pandoc_args
to invoke the filter. See the R
Markdown Cookbook for details.
pandoc_args: ['--lua-filter=labelled-lists.lua']
A simple illustration of the custom label syntax:
* [Premise 1]{} This is the first claim.
* [Premise 2]{} This is the second claim.
* [Conclusion]{} This is the conclusion.
This generates the following list (process this file with the filter to see the result):
(Premise 1) This is the first claim.
(Premise 2) This is the second claim.
(Conclusion) This is the conclusion.
In general, the filter will turn a bullet list into a custom label list provided that every item starts with a Span element.
[inline text]{attributes}
. Inline text will be used as
label, placed within round bracket.[label]
won’t work,
generate a label with strong emphasis (bold by default).[]{}
will work, though
it will be typeset as ()
unless you change the list
delimiters to ‘none’.<span>inline text </span>
. See [Pandoc manual]
( for details.By default the custom lable is put between two parentheses. You can
change this globally by setting a delimiter
key within a
key in your document’s metadata.
delimiter: )
Possible values:
or ‘none’ (empty string) for no delimiter()
or (
or TwoParens
“(Label)” (default).
or Period
for a dot “Label.”)
or OneParen
for “Label)”...%1...
for arbitrary delimiters,
e.g. |%1|
for “|Label|”, “%1–” for Label--
so on. These characters are interpreted literally, not as markdown:
will surround your label with asterisks, not make it
italic.This can be set for a specific list by using a delimiter
attribute on the first span element of your list (same possible values
as above):
* [Premise 1]{delimiter='**%1**'} This is the first claim.
* [Premise 2]{} This is the second claim.
* [Conclusion]{} This is the conclusion.
**Premise 1** This is the first claim.
**Premise 2** This is the second claim.
**Conclusion** This is the conclusion.
Custom labels can be given internal identifiers. The syntax is
. In the list below,
, A2ref
and Cref
the item:
* [**A1**]{#A1ref} This is the first claim.
* [A2]{#A2ref} This is the second claim.
* [*C*]{#Cref} This is the conclusion.
Note that #
is not part of the identifier. Identifiers
should start with a letter and contain only letters, digits, colons
, dots .
, dashes -
underscores _
Labels with identifiers can be crossreferenced using Pandoc’s citations or internal links.
The basic syntax is:
. Outputs the label with its
formatting, in parentheses: (A1).
A prefix and suffix can be specified too:
[remember @A1ref and sqq.]
will output (A1).@A1ref
. Outputs the label with its
formatting: A1.[-@A1ref]
, will
be processed as normal reference: (A1).You can crossrefer to several custom labels at a time:
[@A1ref; @A2ref]
. But mixing references to a custom label
with bibliographic ones in a same citation won’t work: if
is a key in your bibliography
[@A1ref; Smith2003]
will only output “(A1; Smith, 2003)”.
Because this syntax overlaps with Pandoc’s citation syntax, conflicts should be avoided:
) to a
custom label item and a bibliographic entry. If that happens, the
citation will be interpreted as crossreference to the custom label item.
To make sure you you may use identifiers starting with
: item:A1ref
, item:A2ref
, or
some other prefix.citeproc
and before other filters that use citations (like
). It may work properly even if it is run
after, though citeproc
will issue “citations not found”
warnings. To ensure that the filter is run before, just place it before
in the command line or in your YAML options file’s filters
field.Alternatively, the citation syntax for crossreferencing custom label items can be deactivated. See Customization below.
In Pandoc markdown internal links are created with the syntax
[link text](#target_identifier)
. (Note the rounded brackets
instead of curly ones for Span element identifiers.) You can use
internal links to cross-refer to custom label items that have a
identifier. If your link has no text, the label with its formatting will
be printed out; otherwise whichever text you give for the link. For
instance, given the custom label list above, the following:
[the next claim](#A2ref)
The claim [](#A1ref) together with entail ([](#Cref)).
will output:
The claim A1 together with the next claim entail (C).
where the links point to the corresponding items in the list.
Filter options can be specified in the document’s metadata (YAML block) as follows:
title: My document
author: John Doe
disable-citations: true
delimiter: Period
That is the metadata field labelled-lists
contains the
filter options as a map. Presently the filter has just one option:
: if true, the filter will not process
cross-references made with the citation syntax. (default: false)(p1) This list uses
(p2) math formulas as labels.
() This list uses
() latex code as labels.
Ignored: these are not treated as labels.
(All) This list uses
(Some) latex code as labels.
(A1) F(x) > G(x)
(A2) G(x) > H(x)
(B1) This list’s items
consist of several blocks
∑iFi > ∑iGi
(B2) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et massa ut eros volutpat gravida ut vel lacus. Proin turpis eros, imperdiet sed quam eget, bibendum aliquam massa. Phasellus pellentesque egestas dapibus. Proin porta tellus id orci consectetur bibendum. Nam eu cursus quam. Etiam vehicula in mi sed interdum. Duis rutrum eleifend consectetur. Phasellus ullamcorper, urna at vestibulum venenatis, tellus erat luctus nibh, eget hendrerit justo enim nec magna. Duis mollis ac felis ac tristique.
Pellentesque malesuada arcu ac orci scelerisque vulputate. Aenean at ex suscipit, ultricies tellus sit amet, luctus lectus. Duis ut viverra sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras consequat nisi at ex finibus, in condimentum erat auctor. In at nulla at est iaculis pulvinar sed id diam. Cras malesuada sit amet tellus id molestie.
(B1) This is the first claim.
(B2) This is the second claim.
(D) This is the conclusion.
The claim B1 together with the claim B2 entail (D).
(A1) This is the first claim.
(A2) This is the second claim.
(C) This is the conclusion.
The claim A1 together with the claim A2 entail (C).
\item[(Premise 1)] This is the first claim.
\item[(Premise 2)] This is the second claim.
\item[(Conclusion)] This is the conclusion.
HTML output is placed in a <div>
Currently, the list is recreated as a set of paragraphs.
Each item is a <p>
if it’s one block long, a
if longer. The label itself is contained in a
<div class="labelled-lists-list">
<p class="labelled-lists-item"><span class="labelled-lists-label">(Premise 1)</span> This is the first claim.</p>
<p class="labelled-lists-item"><span class="labelled-lists-label">(Premise 2)</span> This is the second claim.</p>
<div class="labelled-lists-item">
<p><span class="labelled-lists-label">(<strong>Conclusion</strong>)</span> This third item consists of</p>
<p>two blocks.</p>
In the future, we’ll output a
list within a Div:
<div class="labelled-lists-list">
<li><span class="labelled-lists-label">(Premise 1) </span>This is the first claim.</li>
<li><span class="labelled-lists-label">(Premise 1) </span>This is the first claim.</li>
<p><span class="labelled-lists-label">(<strong>Conclusion</strong>)</span> This third item consists of</p>
<p>two blocks.</p>
And style it via the CSS (see “Css” global variable in the code).
title: Labelled lists examples
delimiter: )
disable-citations: false
# List labels and delimiters
Default delimiter format set to "...)".
Labelled list
* [Premise 1]{} This is the first claim.
* [Premise 2]{} This is the second claim.
* [Conclusion]{} This is the conclusion.
Setting the delimiter for an individual list
* [Label 1]{delimiter='**%1**'} This is the first item.
* [Label 2]{} This is the second item.
Empty list
* []{delimiter=''} This is the first item.
* []{} This is the second item.
# Cross-referencing
Assigning identifiers to list items. Arbitrary markdown formatting on
labels will be preserved in crossreferencing.
* [**A1**]{#A1ref} This is the first claim.
* [A2]{#A2ref} This is the second claim.
* [*C*]{#Cref} This is the conclusion.
Crossreferencing items with the citation syntax
[@A1ref]. In-text reference, see @A2ref. Year-only
Normal citation [-@Cref]. Referencing several
citations are treated as normal ones [@A1ref; @A2ref].
Crossreferencing items with links
[the next claim](#A2ref)
The claim [](#A1ref) together with
entail ([](#Cref)).
# More examples and tests
## Math formulas
* [$p_1$]{} This list uses
* [$p_2$]{} math formulas as labels.
## LaTeX code
* [\textbf{a}]{} This list uses
* [\textbf{b}]{} latex code as labels.
Ignored: these are not treated as labels.
## Small caps
* [[All]{.smallcaps}]{} This list uses
* [[Some]{.smallcaps}]{} latex code as labels.
## List with Para items
* [A1]{} $$F(x) > G(x)$$
* [A2]{} $$G(x) > H(x)$$
## items with several blocks
* [**B1**]{} This list's items
consist of several blocks
$$\sum_i Fi > \sum_i Gi$$
* [**B2**]{} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et
massa ut eros volutpat gravida ut vel lacus. Proin turpis eros, imperdiet sed
quam eget, bibendum aliquam massa. Phasellus pellentesque egestas dapibus.
Proin porta tellus id orci consectetur bibendum. Nam eu cursus quam. Etiam
vehicula in mi sed interdum. Duis rutrum eleifend consectetur. Phasellus
ullamcorper, urna at vestibulum venenatis, tellus erat luctus nibh, eget
hendrerit justo enim nec magna. Duis mollis ac felis ac tristique.
Pellentesque malesuada arcu ac orci scelerisque vulputate. Aenean at ex
suscipit, ultricies tellus sit amet, luctus lectus. Duis ut viverra sapien.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac
turpis egestas. Cras consequat nisi at ex finibus, in condimentum erat auctor.
In at nulla at est iaculis pulvinar sed id diam. Cras malesuada sit amet tellus id molestie.
## cross-reference with citation syntax
* [**B1**]{#B1ref} This is the first claim.
* [B2]{#B2ref} This is the second claim.
* [*D*]{#Dref} This is the conclusion.
The claim @B1ref together with the claim @B2ref [@Dref].
## cross-reference with internal link syntax
* [**C1**]{#C1ref} This is the first claim.
* [C2]{#C2ref} This is the second claim.
* [*E*]{#Eref} This is the conclusion.
The claim [](#C1ref) together with the claim [](#C2ref)
entail ([](#Eref)).
--[[-- # Labelled-lists - Pandoc / Quarto filter for labelled lists
@author Julien Dutant <>
@copyright 2021-2024 Julien Dutant
@license MIT - see LICENSE file for details.
@release 0.3
@TODO style the HTML output
@TODO in HTML, leave the BulletList element as is.
simply turn the Spans into labels, and wrap in a Div.
@TODO style the label in all outputs
@TODO Possible solution: first sytle all labels, leaving
the pandoc.BulletList as is. Then send it to a formatter
that wraps it in a Div (html) and adds local CSS style
block if needed, or flattens it in Raw for LaTeX.
@TODO use a Div to declare as custom-label list
-- # Internal settings
--- Options map, including defaults.
-- @disable_citations boolean whether to use pandoc-crossref cite syntax
-- @delimiter list label delimiters (as a list)
local options = {
disable_citations = false,
delimiter = {'(',')'},
-- target_formats filter is triggered when those formats are targeted
local target_formats = {
-- html classes
local html_classes = {
item = 'labelled-lists-item',
label = 'labelled-lists-label',
list = 'labelled-lists-list',
-- Css to be used later
local Css = [[
div.labelled-list > ul {
list-style-type: none;
div.labelled-list > ul li {
/* border: 1px solid dimgray;*/
padding-left: 1em;
div.labelled-list > ul > li > label:first-child{
/* border: 1px solid blue;*/
display: inline-block;
min-width: 3em; /* 2em + padding on li */
margin-left: -3.5em; /* -(2.5em + padding on li) */
margin-right: .5em;
color: blue;
div.labelled-list > ul > li > *:first-child > label:first-child{
/* border: 1px solid red;*/
display: inline-block;
min-width: 3em; /* 2em + padding on li */
margin-left: -3.5em; /* -(2.5em + padding on li) */
margin-right: .5em;
color: red;
-- # Global variable
-- table of indentified labels
local labels_by_id = {}
-- # Helper functions
--- type: pandoc-friendly type function
-- pandoc.utils.type is only defined in Pandoc >= 2.17
-- if it isn't, we extend Lua's type function to give the same values
-- as pandoc.utils.type on Meta objects: Inlines, Inline, Blocks, Block,
-- string and booleans
-- Caution: not to be used on non-Meta Pandoc elements, the
-- results will differ (only 'Block', 'Blocks', 'Inline', 'Inlines' in
-- >=2.17, the .t string in <2.17).
local type = pandoc.utils.type or function (obj)
local tag = type(obj) == 'table' and obj.t and obj.t:gsub('^Meta', '')
return tag and tag ~= 'Map' and tag or type(obj)
--- format_matches: Test whether the target format is in a given list.
-- @param formats list of formats to be matched
-- @return true if match, false otherwise
function format_matches(formats)
for _,format in pairs(formats) do
if FORMAT:match(format) then
return true
return false
--- message: send message to std_error
-- @param type string INFO, WARNING, ERROR
-- @param text string text of the message
function message(type, text)
local level = {INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, ERROR = 2}
if level[type] == nil then type = 'ERROR' end
if level[PANDOC_STATE.verbosity] <= level[type] then
io.stderr:write('[' .. type .. '] Labelled-lists lua filter: '
.. text .. '\n')
-- # Filter functions
--- filter_citations: process citations to labelled lists
-- Check whether the Cite element only contains references to custom
-- label items, and if it does, convert them to crossreferences.
-- @param cite pandoc AST Cite element
function filter_citations(cite)
-- warn if the citations mix cross-label references with
-- standard ones
local has_cl_ref = false
local has_biblio_ref = false
for _,citation in ipairs(cite.citations) do
if labels_by_id[] then
has_cl_ref = true
has_biblio_ref = true
if has_cl_ref and has_biblio_ref then
('WARNING', 'A citation mixes bibliographic references \
message with custom label references '
.. pandoc.utils.stringify(cite.content) )
if has_cl_ref and not has_biblio_ref then
-- get style from the first citation
local bracketed = true
if cite.citations[1].mode == 'AuthorInText' then
bracketed = false
local inlines = pandoc.List:new()
-- create link(s)
for i = 1, #cite.citations do
'#' .. cite.citations[i].id
-- add separator if needed
if #cite.citations > 1 and i < #cite.citations then
inlines:insert(pandoc.Str('; '))
if bracketed then
inlines:insert(1, pandoc.Str('('))
return inlines
--- filter_links: process internal links to labelled lists
-- Empty links to a custom label are filled with the custom
-- label text.
-- @param element pandoc AST link
-- @TODO in LaTeX output you need \ref and \label
function filter_links (link)
if pandoc.utils.stringify(link.content) == ''
and,1) == '#'
and labels_by_id[,-1)] then
link.content = labels_by_id[,-1)]
return link
-- style_label: style the label
-- returns a styled label. Default: round brackets
-- @param label Inlines an item's label as list of inlines
-- @param delim (optional) a pair of delimiters (list of two strings)
-- @return pandoc.Inlines label
function style_label(label, delim)
if not delim then
delim = options.delimiter
styled_label = label:clone()
styled_label:insert(1, pandoc.Str(delim[1]))
return styled_label
--- build_list: processes a custom label list
-- returns a list of blocks containing Raw output format code
-- @param element BulletList the original Bullet List element
function build_list(element)
-- build a list of blocks
local list = pandoc.List:new()
-- start
if FORMAT:match('latex') then
elseif FORMAT:match('html') then
'<div class="' .. html_classes['list'] .. '">'
-- does the first span have a delimiter attribute?
-- element.c[1] is the first item in the list, type blocks
-- .. [1].c is the first block's content, type inlines
-- .. [1] the first inline in that block, our span
local span = element.c[1][1].c[1]
local delim = nil
if span.attributes and span.attributes.delimiter then
delim = read_delimiter(span.attributes.delimiter)
-- process each item
for _,blocks in ipairs(element.c) do
-- get the span, remove it from the tree, store its content
local span = blocks[1].c[1]
local label = pandoc.List(span.content)
local id = ''
-- get identifier if not duplicate, store a copy in global table
if not (span.identifier == '') then
if labels_by_id[span.identifier] then
('WARNING', 'duplicate item identifier '
message.. span.identifier .. '. The second is ignored.')
labels_by_id[span.identifier] = label
id = span.identifier
if FORMAT:match('latex') then
local inlines = pandoc.List:new()
inlines:extend(style_label(label, delim))
-- create link target if needed
if not(id == '') then
inlines:insert(pandoc.Span('', {id = id}))
-- if the first block is Plain or Para, we insert
-- the label code at the beginning
-- otherwise we add a Plain block for the label
if blocks[1].t == 'Plain' or blocks[1].t == 'Para' then
blocks[1].c = inlines
elseif FORMAT:match('html') then
local label_span = pandoc.Span(style_label(label, delim))
label_span.classes = { html_classes['label'] }
if id then label_span.identifier = id end
-- if there is only one block and it's Plain or Para,
-- we create the item as <p>, otherwise as <div>
if #blocks == 1 and
(blocks[1].t == 'Plain' or blocks[1].t == 'Para') then
local inlines = pandoc.List:new()
inlines:insert(1, pandoc.RawInline('html',
'<p class="' .. html_classes['item'] .. '">'))
inlines:insert(pandoc.RawInline('html', '</p>'))
-- if the first block is Plain or Para we insert the
-- label in it, otherwise the label is its own paragraph
if (blocks[1].t == 'Plain' or blocks[1].t == 'Para') then
local inlines = pandoc.List:new()
blocks[1].c = inlines
blocks:insert(1, pandoc.Para(label_span))
{ class = html_classes['item'] } ))
if FORMAT:match('latex') then
elseif FORMAT:match('html') then
return list
--- is_custom_labelled_list: Look for custom labels markup
-- Custom label markup requires each item starting with a span
-- containing the label
-- @param element pandoc BulletList element
function is_custom_labelled_list (element)
local is_cl_list = true
-- the content of BulletList is a List of List of Blocks
for _,blocks in ipairs(element.c) do
-- check that the first element of the first block is Span
-- ~~and not empty~~ allowing empty
if not( blocks[1].c[1].t == 'Span' )
-- or pandoc.utils.stringify(blocks[1].c[1].content) == ''
is_cl_list = false
return is_cl_list
--- read_delimiter: process a delimiter option
-- @delim: string, e.g. `Parens` or `[%1]`
-- @return: a pair of delimiter strings
function read_delimiter(delim)
delim = pandoc.utils.stringify(delim)
--- process standard Pandoc attributes and their equivalent
if delim == '' or delim:lower() == 'none' then
return {'',''}
elseif delim == 'Period' or delim == '.' then
return {'', '.'}
elseif delim == 'OneParen' or delim == ')' then
return {'', ')'}
elseif delim == 'TwoParens' or delim == '(' or delim == '()' then
return {'(',')'}
--- if it contains '%1' assume it's a substitution string for gmatch
-- the left delimiter is before '%1' and the right after
elseif string.find(delim, '%%1') then
return {delim:match('^(*.)%%1') or '',
delim:match('%%1(*.)$') or ''}
--- Read options from metadata block.
-- Get options from the `statement` field in a metadata block.
-- @todo read kinds settings
-- @param meta the document's metadata block.
-- @return nothing, values set in the `options` map.
-- @see options
function get_options(meta)
if meta['labelled-lists'] then
if meta['labelled-lists']['disable-citations'] then
options.disable_citations = true
-- default-delimiter: string
if meta['labelled-lists'].delimiter and
type(meta['labelled-lists'].delimiter) == 'Inlines' then
local delim = read_delimiter(pandoc.utils.stringify(
if delim then options.delimiter = delim end
-- # Filter
--- Main filters: read options, process lists, process crossreferences
read_options_filter = {
Meta = get_options
process_lists_filter = {
BulletList = function(element)
if is_custom_labelled_list(element) then
return build_list(element)
crossreferences_filter = {
Link = filter_links,
Cite = function(element)
if not options.disable_citations then
return filter_citations(element)
--- Main code
-- return the filters in the desired order
if format_matches(target_formats) then
return { read_options_filter,