Labelled lists examples

List labels and delimiters

Default delimiter format set to “…)”.

Labelled list

Premise 1) This is the first claim.

Premise 2) This is the second claim.

Conclusion) This is the conclusion.

Setting the delimiter for an individual list

**Label 1** This is the first item.

**Label 2** This is the second item.

Empty list

This is the first item.

This is the second item.


Assigning identifiers to list items. Arbitrary markdown formatting on labels will be preserved in crossreferencing.

A1) This is the first claim.

A2) This is the second claim.

C) This is the conclusion.

Crossreferencing items with the citation syntax

Normal citation (A1). In-text reference, see A2. Year-only citations are treated as normal ones (C). Referencing several items (A1; A2).

Crossreferencing items with links

The claim A1 together with the next claim entail (C).

More examples and tests

Math formulas

p1) This list uses

p2) math formulas as labels.

LaTeX code

) This list uses

) latex code as labels.

Ignored: these are not treated as labels.

Small caps

All) This list uses

Some) latex code as labels.

List with Para items

A1) F(x) > G(x)

A2) G(x) > H(x)

items with several blocks

B1) This list’s items

consist of several blocks

iFi > ∑iGi

B2) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et massa ut eros volutpat gravida ut vel lacus. Proin turpis eros, imperdiet sed quam eget, bibendum aliquam massa. Phasellus pellentesque egestas dapibus. Proin porta tellus id orci consectetur bibendum. Nam eu cursus quam. Etiam vehicula in mi sed interdum. Duis rutrum eleifend consectetur. Phasellus ullamcorper, urna at vestibulum venenatis, tellus erat luctus nibh, eget hendrerit justo enim nec magna. Duis mollis ac felis ac tristique.

Pellentesque malesuada arcu ac orci scelerisque vulputate. Aenean at ex suscipit, ultricies tellus sit amet, luctus lectus. Duis ut viverra sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras consequat nisi at ex finibus, in condimentum erat auctor. In at nulla at est iaculis pulvinar sed id diam. Cras malesuada sit amet tellus id molestie.

cross-reference with citation syntax

B1) This is the first claim.

B2) This is the second claim.

D) This is the conclusion.

The claim B1 together with the claim B2 entail (D).

C1) This is the first claim.

C2) This is the second claim.

E) This is the conclusion.

The claim C1 together with the claim C2 entail (E).