10  Author metadata

Requires extension: The scholarly-metadata.lua filter.

The author field is a list, each item corresponding to one author. Each item has name, email, institute fields, and one author (the corresponding author) has a field correspondence set to true:

- name: Vincent Conitzer
  email: conitzer@cs.duke.edu
  correspondence: true  
  institute: Duke University
- name: Nadine Elzein
  email: nadine.elzein@warwick.ac.uk
  institute: University of Warwick

Note that there is a dash (-) before the first line (name field) of each author, and that all the other lines for that author are indented to align with that field see 8.6.

10.1 Corresponding author

There must be one and only one author for which correspondence: true is included. This will print out their email as the correspondence address for that article.

10.2 Institutions

Institutions can be entered on one line, separated by commas, or as a list. The two following declarations are equivalent:

  institute: Princeton, Yale
  - Princeton
  - Yale

For this reason, institutes with a comma in their name must be entered as a list, even if there is only one:

  institute: Bedford College, London
  - Bedford College, London

The left would be interpreted as two institutes, “Bedford College” and “London”.

You can also specify a list of affiliations separately, and associate each author to their institute(s), which is most useful when several authors share the same affiliation:

- kcl: "King's College London"
- bedford: Bedford College, London
- name: Susan Stebbing
  institute: [kcl, beford]
- name: "Jane Q. Doe"
  institute: bedford

Here kcl and bedford are used as internal identifiers to associate authors with their affiliations—they won’t be printed. Note that when an author has several, the institution identifiers should be listed in brackets, separated by commas: [kcl, bedford]. When they have only one, the brackets are optional: for Jane Q. Doe above we could have written institute: bedford instead.

You can do without identifiers, by listing affiliations in some order and using numbers to refer to them. The metadata below is equivalent to the above:

- "King's College London"
- Bedford College, London
- name: Susan Stebbing
  institute: [1, 2]
- name: Jane Doe
  institute: [2]

See the scholarly-metadata filter page for more options and information.

10.3 Multiple short institute names

If an author’s institute includes multiple short acronyms, e.g. “ENS, CNRS, EHESS” they may look awkward in the article signature, depending on how your journal template formats it. See your journal template’s guidelines on whether to handle these cases specially.

10.4 Author in page headers and table of contents

You sometimes need to provide a shorter alternative for the author names, e.g. “Smith et al.”, for page headers and the table of contents.

Your journal template should provide extra fields for this. Dialectica uses author-toc and author-header, for instance. See your journal template’s guidelines.