35  Review articles

35.1 Formatting a review article

Review articles must have titles in the format “Review of Author (year)”.

They begin with a section titled “Review of” containing the full citation of the monograph reviewed, and followed by --- (a horizontal rule):

# Review of

[Antonelli]{.smallcaps}, Mauro. 2018. *Vittorio Benussi in the History
of Psychology: New Ideas of a Century Ago*,  Studies in the History of
Philosophy of Mind 21, Cham: Springer.


Author last names in the citation are in small caps: they must be surrounded by [...]{.smallcaps} as above. Book titles are emphasized, surrounded by *...* as above. The full citation must contain a publisher place, e.g. “Oxford: Oxford University Press”.

If you prefer you can instead enter the full citation in the document’s metadata block:

review-of: |
    [Antonelli]{.smallcaps}, Mauro. 2018. *Vittorio 
    Benussi in the History of Psychology:
    New Ideas of a Century Ago*,  Studies in the 
    History of Philosophy of Mind 21, Cham: Springer.

If you do so you don’t need a “Review of” section; the manuscript should start directly with the review’s text.

Reviews normally don’t have section headings.

35.2 Make sure the reviewed monograph appears in the reference

The monograph reviewed should appear in the review’s references. If the review doesn’t explicitly cite the monograph, you should add it as an uncited reference. See Section 25.4.