11  Abstract, keywords, acknowledgments

Abstract, keywords and acknowledgments should be entered in either of two ways:

This ensures they are handled by the journal template. Do not try to format them yourself (e.g. to place the acknowledgements in a footnote).

Whichever way you choose is up to you, they are equivalent. The first requires the sec-to-meta extension.

11.1 As special sections

Requires extension: Sections-to-Meta.

You can enter abstract, acknowledgments and keywords as special sections with level 1 (#) headings Abstract (or Summary), Acknowledgements (or Thanks or Acknowledgments) and Keywords. The keywords section must be a bullet-point list. If the article’s body text does not itself start with a heading, separate these special sections from the body text with a horizontal rule (* * * or ---). For example:

title: "If You Squint You'll See an Effect"
author: Patricia I. Smith

# Abstract

In this paper, I explain that the *problem* is more difficult to
solve than the equation $4x^2 = 8$ and more complicated than the
formula $(P \land \lnot P) \rightarrow Q$. Thankfully, I have
found the solution.

# Thanks

The author would like to thank Jane Doe and Erika Mustermann
as well as audiences at the Universities of Shallow Objections.

# Keywords
-   problem
-   solution
-   symbols

* * *

Since the dawn of humanity, people have been wondering about
my PhD research topic...

11.2 As metadata

Alternatively, you can enter abstract, acknowledgments, and keywords as metadata fields abstract, thanks and keywords, respectively. The keywords fields must be a list. As the other two are typically multiple lines long, they are better entered as text blocks see 8.3. Make sure you indent each line of text blocks properly, without getting confused by genuine vs merely apparent linebreaks see 8.5. To illustrate, the example could be entered instead as:

title: "If You Squint You'll See an Effect"
author: Patricia I. Smith
abstract: |
  In this paper I explain that the *problem* is more difficult to
  solve that the equation $4x^2 = 8$ and more complicated than the
  formula $(P \land \lnot P) \rightarrow Q$. Thankfully, I have
  found the solution.
thanks: |
  The author would like to thank Jane Doe and Erika Mustermann
  as well as audiences at the Universities of Shallow Objections.
-   problem
-   solution
-   symbols

Since the dawn of humanity, people have been wondering about
my PhD research topic...

Dialectica guidelines.

Abstracts are strongly recommended. Most people who bump on the article will only read that. They must be at most 200 words or so, to fit in the first article page.

11.3 Citations and formulas in abstract and acknowledgements

(TO BE CONFIRMED). Abstract and acknowledgments cannot contain markdown citations like @Smith. Write them in plain text instead, Smith (1980).

(TO BE CONFIRMED). Formulas in the abstract should be kept simple, or better, entered directly in unicode. This is because they are exported to public databases that may not handle LaTeX.